IGS offers introductory geosynthetics videos for students/educators to learn more about/to learn to teach about geosynthetics. The International Geosynthetics Society (IGS) released online videos aimed at exposing undergraduate civil engineering students to geosynthetics and at providing tools for geotechnical/civil engineering professors to teach about geosynthetics. An introduction to geosynthetics for students The IGS offers introductory …

Clearwell Group’s new erosion control venture combines four erosion control services businesses under Valor Environmental.

GSI agriculture/aquaculture webinar on March 16, 2022, will focus on geosynthetics in farming and fish farming operations. The Geosynthetic Institute (GSI) will sponsor a webinar, “Geosynthetics in Agriculture and Aquaculture,” on March 16, 2022, from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. EDT. Geosynthetic Materials Association (GMA) member companies and their employees receive discounted rates on all …

The conference’s organizers have made available 1,500 white papers and dozens of videos in the online, free Geosynthetics Conference archive.

The geotechnical construction materials testing lab for Golder Associates will test geosynthetic, geotechnical, aggregate and concrete materials.

Submit your session proposals by the Geo conference proposal deadline of Feb. 28 to share your expertise at Geosynthetics Conference 2023.

Presto Geosystems, which invented geocells in the late 1970s, expands on the history of geocells technology.

NSF International president and CEO Kevan P. Lawlor will step down, making way for the Pedro Sancha era at the standards organization.

As we continue to deal with the implications of the pandemic, GMA is continuing efforts to maintain our influence with federal and state governments to position our industry for success. With the passage of the Infrastructure Investment & Jobs Act (IIJA), our focus now moves to the appropriations of funding for the IIJA, in particular …

The 12th International Conference on Geosynthetics (12 ICG)—to be held Sept. 17–21, 2023—has set the 12 ICG abstracts deadline for Feb. 28, 2022.